ICE League 2022 Season Recap
After being involved for many years, this was the first year the Muncie Sports Commission managed the ICE League. It was also the first complete season since the Covid-19 pandemic forced cancellations in 2020 and 2021.
Thirty-six Muncie boys in Grades 7 and 8 competed on four teams representing four community centers: Buley Center, Ross Center, YMCA, and the Boys & Girls Club. The league required students to have a 2.0 GPA to join and a 2.5 GPA to play in games. Each team played eight regular-season games and two playoff games with the team from Ross Community Center emerging as the 2022 League Champions.
Project Leadership, Ivy Tech, Muncie Community Schools & Ball State Sports Link all played a big role by providing program participants with education elements through the four Career Connect Workshops. Their efforts had a significant impact on the student-athletes. At the conclusion of the season, six outstanding student-athletes earned $500 college scholarships through ICE.